Fina 🌸

She/Her ✧ 20+
Canon x OCsona ✧ dtkh
An Archive

About Rifina
An editor from Yae Publishing House that pretty perfectionist. Her cold demeanour just to brush people away.

Before You Follow...

  • Yumeship is Canon x OCsona

  • Shikanoin Heizou x Rifina (HeiFina 🔎🌸)

  • Yume is No Sharing

  • Very selective in accepting new mutuals

  • Low social battery / low interaction

  • ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Do Not Follow...

  • Fit basic DNI

  • Uncomfortable with yume or self-shipping in general

  • Having same no sharing oshi with me (including my other oshi that I have yume with check here)

  • ಠ_ಠ)


Dancing of Sentimental Remembrance


4 Stars





Model TypeMedium Tall Female
Real NameFrancesca Allamanda
BirthdayJune 9th
ConstellationAllamanda Cathartica
Region- Inazuma
- Fontaine (former)
Affiliation- Yae Publishing House
- The Steambird (former)
Special DishTrace de Pétales
How to Obtain- Wishes
- Everbloom Violet
Additional TitlesPerfectionist Editor

Editor of Yae Publishing House handpicked by Lady Yae Miko herself. Quick in drawing conclusions on the readings and very thorough. But if there is a slight mistake, she can get angry due to her being a perfectionist. Difficult to approach due to her cold nature and also difficult to express her feelings which sometimes leads to denial.—Description from the Unofficial Website-


An editor from Yae Publishing House that pretty perfectionist. Her cold demeanour just to brush people away.—In-game character attributes and profile page text
Rifina is a Fontainian with Sumerian bloodlines who is on the run from home. She is aloof, unapproachable, and often avoids making small talk with strangers. Often withdraws from the crowd and people will not realize that she is already out somewhere.She likes to spend her time in Araumi seeking solace reading the scripts of authors she is handling. Occasionally will go to Seirai Island to practice the aim of a gun given to her by someone in her home nation. She loves flowers. They were always one of her ways of expressing her heart to the person to whom she gave the flowers.Anyone who gets close to her will understand that she is a very friendly person behind her reserved nature. But her difficulty in expressing her feelings always leads to endless denial. Her rare smile is always worth seeing, but only for the people she trusts that can see it.-

Unofficial Introduction

Escape from the valley of despairIs your writer making trouble again or did you come because you missed me? Oh, I see... A bouquet of flowers for me again?—Yae Miko
People would say that she is like a cat, can appear when people are unaware and will avoid others when she feels uncomfortable.People who are curious will try to attract her attention but will be ignored if it is not something important to Rifina. Over time, many people avoid her and does not want to make trouble with her, this makes Rifina feel comfortable with her solitude but also makes her lonely.Importing and picking flowers has always been a part of her life apart from looking at frustrating novel manuscripts. Each type and color of flowers always carries a symbolic message, she loves anything symbolic. One of her favorite flowers is Dandelion which brings freedom, she also wants to feel freedom without restraints from people around her.A white cat named Mio always accompanies her everywhere like a chick following its mother. Only with her cat, Rifina can be herself. Pouring out the sense of security and warmth that she always wanted to Mio.She just stepped into a foreign land, far from home...Or maybe this place will become her "home"?-

Character Stories

Coming soon...Character DetailsCharacter Story 1Character Story 2Character Story 3Character Story 4Character Story 5Pretty BookmarkVision


HelloAn editor at Yae Publishing House, Rifina. If you want to find a novel, you can come to me. From interesting books to obscure ones, but Lady Yae's choice of novels is always very interesting, so let's just say which genre of novel you want.
Chat: FlowersEvery single thing that exists has a meaning, including flowers. Isn't it interesting to use flowers to say what you want to convey?
Chat: HomelandI miss the crowds of Port Ormos, but I also miss the machines of the Court of Fontaine. Ah, the tranquility of Inazuma City appeals to me more.
Chat: CatCats are so cute. If I had a lot of money and a big house, I'd like to adopt a lot of cats.
When It RainsI don't need to water today.
When Thunder StrikesHow scary... Hurry and find a shelter!
When It SnowsWant to eat something warm? Or a warm drink first? Don't get sick.
When The Sun Is OutIt's very bright. It was like bringing back memories of the past.
Good MorningThe morning breeze is so refreshing, but I prefer to stay indoors. I want to have breakfast first, what do you want to eat?
Good AfternoonI'd like to have lunch before going back to work. But I want to take a nap too...
Good EveningThe sun was starting to set, time to see what kind of food I could buy. They are often seen at this time.
Good NightI'm going to sleep first. I'm not the type of person who stays up late.
About Rifina: MachineI wondered how the machines worked, how Pneuma and Ousia affected the way the machines functioned. Maybe if I continue to be a Researcher... Ah just looking at them makes my head spinning...
About Rifina: Real NameThat's right, I'm not an Inazuman and my name sounds unfamiliar here. My real name sometimes is hard for local people to pronounce. Ahem, just so you know my name is like a Fontainian.
About the VisionShiny like pretty gemstone, I've been seeing it as a rare accessory. I don't know what the Gods see in me. At least because of this, I don't have to bother if I want to eat or drink something cold.
Something to ShareMost writers tend to create main characters that are very strong and cannot be defeated. Reading such stories is very annoying. The plot is too "magical". Readers may get bored.
Interesting ThingsEvery time I go fishing, my cat eats most of the fish that I catch. Since she always sleeps when she's full, I always carry her when we go home.
About Yae Miko: Little StoryLady Yae is the one who made me into an editor. It went from asking my opinion on books in the store to me telling her I used to work at The Steambird and here I am now. Lady Yae is quite cunning, but she's very kind to me and gives quite interesting advice. Thanks to her, I was able to adapt here. I respect her a lot. Oh... Don't try to trick her, you'll end up getting tricked back by Lady Yae.
About Yae Miko: TeaseLady Yae always made everything amusing in her eyes, including teasing other people, and I was always on her list. I've lost count of how many times Lady Yae has teased me. H-huh...? D-don't even dare to tease me!
About Shikanoin HeizouSomehow, there was someone who always made my head hurt. Maybe if I hadn't been the one to help him in the first place, I wouldn't have been pulled here and there when I happened to run into him. It seems to have become a habit for him to find me to ask about novels in the store or when something catches his eye...
About Kamisato AyakaBeautiful, elegant, and gentle. That's how I see Ayaka. I thought Ayaka was just an ordinary girl until she introduced herself in details. I thought it would be hard to be friends with someone as important as her, but it turns out we have something in common that makes us good friends.
About YoimiyaSeeing Yoimiya was like seeing myself in the past. I no longer have the energy to continue being active like her... Huft...
About Kujou SaraFor some reasons, Miss Kujou reminds me of my older sister. Her sharp gaze and stern nature are really similar.
About KiraraI owe her a lot to deliver my letter to my parents in Fontaine. Also deliver many stuff all of places.
About ClorindeShe's the one who give and teach me to use gun, though I'm far from her lightning speed move.
More About Rifina: IHm? What did you say? Are you interested in books or flowers? Ask anything, I'll answer if I can answer. But if not, I'll save it and tell you later time. You means me like... Me? Well... I hope you're not bored after hear it.
More About Rifina: III always get unpleasant looks from local people because I'm a foreigner. But all those stares started to diminish and some even pretended to be nice. At least I was very lucky to meet Lady Yae and Ayaka, they're taught me many things and has helped me all along. To be surrounded with powerful people indeed a privilege.
More About Rifina: IIII wouldn't be lying if I didn't miss my homeland. But I also don't want to be surrounded by pressure and demands from people. I studied at the Institute in Fontaine but I left before my studies were finished, being a researcher is very draining. And the bureaucracy was still very bad even if I was accepted.
More About Rifina: IVI don't look like a Fontainian? It's true, both my parents were Sumerian who later expanded their business in Fontaine. They've been living there before my older sister born. I grow up in two cultures of Fontaine and Sumeru at home which totally different. Now I'm still learning about Inazuma's.
More About Rifina: VI want to stay in Inazuma even though I desperately want to return to Fontaine. But no matter what, someday I'll be back and will probably take on “that” responsibility. Are you curious about it? I could go on, but would you like to try my homemade cupcakes first? I'm sure it's a better recipe this time.
Rifina's HobbiesPlaying with my cat, sleeping with my cat, nuzzling my cat's soft fur, listening to my cat purr and meow, taking my cat fishing, talking to my cat– Ah, sorry... I really adore my little ball of fur. Other than that, I love baking and... Sleep?
Rifina's TroublesI love the beach, but I don't want to get close to the water. I'm not very good at swimming. When the water reaches my chest, I feel like I'm going to die. What happens if I'm in the midst of deep water!?
Favorite FoodI'm not very picky, but I like all kinds of fowl dishes. Whether it's boiled, fried, roasted, grilled, or any other way of cooking, I won't resist. But I still prefer it to be more spiced. Also, deep fried desserts.
Least Favorite FoodAlthough I say I'm not picky about food, I don't like shellfish dishes. Just the thought of its chewy texture gives me shivers. Huh? The chewy texture is still different from other meats.
Receiving a Gift: II didn't know that you were really paying attention to me. Ah sorry, I rarely get gifts but I'm very happy.
Receiving a Gift: IIHmm... It's quite interesting, but I still accept it because you made it.
Receiving a Gift: IIIHow do I say it... Would you like to eat too?
BirthdayHey, you're coming with me today. I've prepared some food for your birthday. I didn't prepare much, but I hope you like all my dishes. I made some dishes from each of the seven nations. Ah... I'm sure my cooking won't fail this time! Come and have a taste.
Feeling About Ascension: IntroI felt more understanding that my skills weren't that bad. The buds still have to wait before they bloom.
Feeling About Ascension: Building UpEven delicate flowers can survive a storm. Afterwards, the water drops will bring news that everything will be okay.
Feeling About Ascension: ClimaxAlthough I have had enough of this strength, even a flower still continues to blossom until it bears the fruit of its patience.
Feeling About Ascension: ConclusionA sown seed will always grow something remarkable, like the trust you put in me. I know you can do anything on your own, but do come to me if you need help. I will always be there to lend a hand.


Elemental SkillTake it!
Watch your back.
Elemental BurstLike petals that pierce.
Trapped in time and space.
Opening Treasure ChestHmm... Many shiny things...
Take it if you want.
Ah... There are only a few useful ones.
Low HPTsk... I won't stay still.
You are such a pain to deal with.
Okay, you got my attention.
Ally at Low HPYou better back off.
I'll try it myself.
FallenI haven't finished yet...
Mother... I'm sorry...
Wilted flower is useless...
Heavy Hit TakenOuch!
Calm down!
Joining PartyDon't drag me along...
Is there anything I can do to help?
Anything interesting this time?